Saturday, March 10, 2007


hey everyone,

man goh here did u all try the suan ming thingy...haha, hope u all enjoy visiting the wu liao website i recommended...

anyway, we, sheweay,feifeng(稀客),jiajia, ah leng,n ME, went to yenyah's concert...wah...she dressed like a debator and guess what, she looked glum when performing...( what happen to yenyah? ITS HER CONCERT LEH....)

yenyah,huiling and i joined this msa foc programmer thing, n we got to noe weijian, a malaysian...he is so 讲义气...he agreed to attend the concert when huiling first asked him(huiling 的魅力果然不同凡响)....yenyah n i were very impressed lor....cos normally other pple (including me)will respond by pushing away all these concert thingy, esp when they (me) need to pay( i am stingy la)....very very gan dong le...

then today, before the concert, we planned to eat at one of the restaurant beside coronation plaza( the place where we used to hang out ) we thought of meeting feifeng and ah leng who went for welfare activity in the afternoon at the bus stop in front of coro...haha...who knew that we were late!!haha not very late, at least we managed to reach at 645pm, ard 45 mins later than the time we had agreed on...haha...poor feifeng n ah leng...they waited for us for like decades...when i met them, i was scolded lor...haiz...sorry ya babes!! thanks for waiting for us cos now i know that u all have patience...which i lack of...hahahehe...(but dun test me hor...)

anyway, i was not very attentive during the concert cos i fell asleep half way....damn bad....then we met ah yah during the interval...chatted n recalled our vivid old school day memories ....we even took the photo of 勤`慎`端`朴...hehe...
the library was totally different from our version of library is now transformed into a new n more modern looking lib.....

after the concert we went up the stage n presented flowers to dear bra bra,followed by supper( sorry ya, damn sleepy now...just a brief summary of the day...) at the mamak shop in front of beauty world...after supper, we took taci home....we took taxi home and man, i realised that huiling is uncle杀手!!the taxi uncle seem to enjoy toking to our ah leng leh...n she was laughing non stop when it was not so funny,hehe...( looked like uncle liked her laughter) wonder la....she likes older guy....

ya thats all la...enjoy studying ya,muaks!

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