Saturday, March 10, 2007


woOps with the title, but seriously, really, i think, guys, well maybe not all but probably majority, (well if u happen to be a guy DO NOT attempt to argue over this..) are pretty much bastards.

hmm, why such a statement? I just finished watching the movie "Holiday" starred by Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law & Jack Black and in the movie there was this urm scenario where Kate Winslet was deeply in love with this guy whom she DID NOT NOE was getting engaged.. and well she found out of course and was deeply hurt (which was one of the main reasons she went on a holiday), and guess what, he went looking for her when he had problems with his fiance... woA.. luckily she was smart enough to turn him down and shoo-ed him out of the house..

and then i was thinking..that hey, lots of guys are actually like that. Sometimes they do treat you very nice, i'd say NICER then normal friends, and even people aroud start to tease you...although he may not be treating you as nice as their gf, but at times he may even merajuk and say things like they miss you, and that without you they feel very lonely etc etc etc...but however, (some of them may alreaedy be attached some not) when their gfs come look for them or that they got themselves a gf..they stopped talking to you..or they change their way of talking.. it's as if you are like this object that they can seek when, ONLY WHEN they have problems with their girlfriends and thEN ONLY they'll think of you... it's like..they think of you like some wad..backup plan? that is so disgusting. that's y they are bastards.

heehee well i'm not exactly speaking from experience..but prob had gathered up all my friends' feelings and wrote them here...
i think we should just reject all these idiots who are so selfish and think we haf so much free time to peduli them...



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