Wednesday, March 14, 2007

hugs from zebra!!

yes i had a concert on sat at nygh xiu mei da hui tang!! wahaha.. not my concert la.. ntu guitar ensemble concert!! so happy when i went back there.. ran around abit straight after i settled down.. heh.. A BIG THANK YOU TO U GUYS!!! ah feng, ah jia, ah ling, ah weay, ah zhen (& 3 other friends)!!! thanks for ur support!! thanks for ur flowers!! hahaha!! so touched!! i know ah chyn n ah mel wanna come also.. just that cannot come back ma hor.. nvm.. put a pic here..

ohh so nice~~ see i where got glum! just abit stressed when playing ma.. that was my no-smile-face ma cannot meh.. haha.. i'll put up more pics after i collect more pics from my friends k!! =D

take care everyone~~ ^^

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