Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chinese New Year

heEx i agree with HL~ the EXICITING and ENRICHING post about ManGoh and R**** P*** has indeed spiced up my ever-boring life for quite a while~ got me all worked up and excited when Zebra told me about it!! MUAHAHAHAhaa..well although it's gonna be Autumn in Aussie, but worry not! It's gonna be SPRING in the north half of the earth~ so it's the PERFECT season for FLOWERS to START BUDDING AND BLOOMING!!!

i shall rant a bit here about the urm super busy week i had back in melbourne.. which basically involves.. CLEAN THE HOUSE. MOVE THE FURNITURE. BUY FURNITURE. MARKETING. COOK. OMG NO MORE FOOD GONNA BUY MORE. OMG NEED TO WASH CLOTHES. AIKS OVEN'S DIRTY... well as you can tell.. they are all HOUSE CHORES. yes. boring tedious but HAF TO BE DONE sort of house chores. and it's pretty amazing how my housemates can EAT SO MUCH!!! they basically gobble down my entire fridge in like..2 days? all my 2 hour shopping carrying super heavy stuff disappears..but quote JK < moi hssie >> "'s whether we're full that is important!" hahaha.. yes.. i am staying with 2 guys and 1 girl and i actually find it very very good 'cause the guys always help me pindah stuff :D!! (*hee JK just showed me his newly developed muscles due to 'training' at home*)

hmm yes so i busied myself past Valentines..err wad did i do then? i went IKEA..well for valentines and bumped into my friends whom i suspect started dating~~yes once a gain no chocolates and no flowers for me...heEx and yes CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!

i was so exhausted that i didn't even have the energy to go to China Town to look at the Lion and Dragon dancing and the wadever programs they have there. Quite a pity but i was toooo tired. It was my first time away from Home celebrating CNY but it didn't really felt like CNY and.. well .. *i miss home* .. *i wanna go home* .. (wipes out such thoughts as they are harmful) *waves waves*
wad did i do..hmm.. i went to my fren's house to make pineapple cookies..ended up a little burnt..will put up the pics once i get them from Emmie..then i went to my another fren's house to have a "reunion" dinner..haha STEAMBOATING~ and playing Wii <<< the new Nintendo thingy that requires err..movements to control it.hmm don't really know how to describe them explicitly but u can google it up :D. then err..on sunday i went to my coursemate's house in a suburb in melb (he stays with his family..he has a Wii too so we were playing it as well..and HIS DOGS ARE SOOO CUTE!! (yes pics will come up soon!)

OMG my friend's here...i ciao di~~~~~~~

will continue bloggingsoon!!!!!

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