Thursday, February 15, 2007


hey hey everyone,hows life for all??dun miss me though i noe u all wont la...just say say onli 意思意思嘛,客套一下下。。。哈哈哈

yesterday was valentine's day, huiling, ah weay, yenyah, yuan yi n me...we went to eat at the canteen sixteen where we ordered 煮炒,namely satay pork, sambal fish, kang kong cai, and sha guo tauhu....not bad lor,蛮好吃得说。。。it was a happy valentine with our baxian gathering...终于完成了慧琳的愿望。。。让他高兴了呢!!the most important thing is although we are single, we are happy with who we are....although those food are spicy!!!

now come to the point which most of the you have been asking me..that is the most unfortunate thing that happened to me this week...
i always like to laugh at pple, especially those who looked special...i mean i am bad i should be condemned and now, see, the shen is retaliating against me...i apologised and promise not to say bad thing about pple again, never again, i please cancel this unfortunate thing happening to me...the innocent and demure me!!i begged and i pray....

here goes the story:

Sunday: i received an email from student union welfare division asking me to sign up for a few duties for other division, which is the lost & found department. they are selling those lost and found thingy for student's it is compulsory for each member from the welfare service to sign up for three hours of duty, i got no choice but to follow instruction....

i signed up the consecutive three hours of duty with chun kiang, who is one of my jb fren...k, thats not the chunkiang onli signed up for two hours, i will be pairing up with the other person who named james for the third hour of duty...since i din noe who the hell is james i signed up...there started my duty on monday 1030am...
i carried tonnes of lost n found goods for was a tiring and sien task for i was sweating while carrying, my spectacles kept on sliding down my nose,so i was very clumsy at that time...but luckily chunkiang was nice enuf to help me carry the rest...wat i needed to do was to stand at the stall waitin for him.....
after setting up the not attractive resale stall...we started selling the lost n found goods...i was reading notes when 无人问津。。。after two hours, which is 130pm, chunkiang said he would be going off, someone named james will taking over his place...then i said "ok"...
then we waited n waited..the james was LATE!! at 145pm, the james appeared!! my jaws dropped open widely( in my heart la, i din show it out) IT WAS HIM!!THE DISGUSTING R*** P***.....OMG what the hell!!!then i told myself ...calm down girl, dun care about his existence....his look is damn 抱歉...i suddenly nak pengsan...thats why pple say this is called 报应!!!then thru out the whole hour, i was manning the booth with him....

he asked me these WEIRD questions:
RP: hi, whats ur name?
ME: Yizhen
RP: so...which course are u from?
ME: ( i already din wanna talk to him, he still asked) Erm, Accountancy..
RP: wah, thats a terrible course....( terrible to u mah, not me lor, btw, nobody asked u to study this la,u not me la, how dare u comment my course in such a unruly way)

then i stopped talking to him...he made me felt bad...
Out of a sudden,
RP: Do u learn any musical instrument?
ME: NO...

then i turned my head away from him, ignoring him, pretending he din exist....

at 130pm,
RP: i thought u need to leave ?
ME: OH ya...
then, i left without a word ...hurried myself and disappeared from the place....sienz...the day made me giddy...

hmm....i really hate him lah...i cant wait to avoid meeting him...
but then when i went to eat with yenyah in my own canteen i saw him, again!!what de....then i hurried and went away....he made me feel bad...

i was thinking i had not been checking my school mail for a few days and i should check it out...then i saw some weird email....
it wrote:
hi yizhen,
thank you for accompanying me at the booth on monday...i would not noe what to do if u were not there...(something like that...siao lor...where got pple on earth send email to those who man the booth with them de???!!!)
i was pondering who sent me the weird thing, then i look down, it wrote
fr, James...

walau eh,i almost fainted!!what the hell was he up to??seriously , i think it is a retribution on me lor....talked n made fun of pple too much n in the end i suffer...haiz....

i repent liao i dun wanna talk anything bad about anyone anymore...i pray n pray n hope that i can neva see him again...not even once!!so i have been acting like a thieve in my own hall...terrible lah...but i am sorry ....n i should go back to pray pray...

i need some good tao hua la...pls ....

fr, mAn-gOh

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