Saturday, February 24, 2007

happy cny

yo ppl...
dua ji is back....anw, thanks for all ur support sia......i m reali quite okie....juz hope tt my father at least call back or sumting lar...yup...nutting much i cn do either...
anw, my one wk break, i spend almost every second in pontian n tis reali make my mood lifted a lot....coz i got a lot of relative who went back...n i m so happy...aha
in fact, i didnt reali intend to stay in pontian for tt long....but then .due to sum reason, i was trapped i got nutting to do (i purposely forgot to bring homework back n do) haha....then i go n dye my hair....NOW, i look super like a DUA JI...with almost like golden u imagine..i go pontian n dye hair + highlight...onli 100 ringgt like siao...then i go n do manicure.... onli 30 ringgit.....fraw nice nice for u .....aiyo......i happy like siao...esp when i win like 100 ringgit thru gambling this cny..meaning i go n dye hair for free....wah...dua ji even happier...haha
anw, happy cny lar........muz cntrol ar...dua ji tis cny eat a lot n bcum fatter again..alamak......v diff to control lar......aiyo


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