Wednesday, January 31, 2007


dear fellow mellow cello cute cute pretty pretty xian nu-s~~~~~

i dedicate our blog to our PRETTY XIAN Nu~ --> MAN GOH!!!! < eh srsly sounds like MANGO mango..

TADA!!!! (note: for privacy purposes the picture shall remain HORIZONTAL)

看到了她那苦苦的等候,与守候, 我决定让世人知道,她的爱,是多么地珍贵!!!


let me tell u a story...a story that will touch a thousand hearts and bring out enough tears to flood the great wall of china...
once upon a time, when we were watching 贫穷贵公子, SUDDENLY, cupid came and shot an arrow through mango's heart...and thus seeds of love started sprouting, and the tree of love blossomed!!!!!!! ever since that moment of fate, mango was determined to be faithful and loyal to HIM for (..err how long har? .. ).. until she doesn't love him no more! so she started thinking about him, talking about him, dreaming about him, IMAGINING THINGS ABOUT HIM and even HALLUCINATING HIS PRESENCE .. (wait.. a bit the very exaggerated hor..STOP DUN TINK TOO FAR..come back come backk..) and now, he has gotten himself a girlfren..and zee girl IS NOT HEr! WHY??? WHYYY???? WHY!!!! i feel that it isn't fair for her. u may be thinkin she doesn't even know him in the first place, BUT WAIT! U're WRONG! they knew each other. although they may be far apart, their heart strings are linked to each other. i always felt so. i'm sure others did. THEY ARE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER!

hence, i shall announce, her beloved AH HONG GE~!

yes, as u can see, it's a KTV screen. isn't it very gan dong? that 她只能够默默地看着荧幕上的他,默默地守护着他,默默地替他加油!虽然,她好像连他的歌都不会唱,但是!我明白她的心情!因为她看到了他,她会心碎。




mangoh--say thank you yar~~~



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